Courgetti, Chicken, Lemon and Parmesan

This is lovely and quick to cook once all the prep is done, its a little bit like a carbonara with chicken. Serves 2 people

  • 2 x chicken breasts
  • 2 x courgette (one per person)
  • Parmesan
  • Tablespoon of Creme Fraiche
  • 2 x Eggs
  • Zest and juice of lemon
  • Fresh basil
  • Bunch of spring onion
  • Garlic infused olive oil

Begin by spiralizing your courgette and put to one side. Break your eggs and add to a small bowl with the tablespoon of creme fraiche, season with salt and pepper and stir to combine. Chop the greens of the spring onion and slice your chicken breast.

Heat a tablespoon of the garlic infused olive oil in a large frying pan and fry the chicken on a medium heat until lightly browned, add the greens of the spring onion and fry until softened and chicken cooked through. Season and add lemon zest and juice of lemon and basil. Next add your courgetti and stir fry for a couple of minutes until warmed through. Add your egg and creme fraiche mix and stir through – you don’t want to boil it or heat too much otherwise you’ll end up with scrambled eggs – you just want to warm it through to cook through. Serve immediately with a grind of fresh pepper and lashing of grated parmesan cheese.


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